Current vacancies & careers

Find out how to apply for a Yorkshire Water job, discover our recruitment process and view all our latest vacancies.

Ladies Hiking

Here you'll find out our application and recruitment processes and view all our latest vacancies.

When first applying for a role, you will be asked to complete either an online application form or submit a CV dependent on the type of role you apply for.

To see all of the latest Yorkshire Water vacancies, visit our careers portal by clicking on the current vacancies link below.

From here, you will be able to search and apply for vacancies.

Apply now

For all our current apprenticeship opportunities, please take a look at our careers portal which will include all the information you need to know about the role, along with how you can apply.

Current vacancies


Privacy notice

In light of the changes in Data Protection legislation, we have introduced a Privacy Notice for job applicants. Please take a look before applying for one of our jobs, so you know about the way in which we use, share and store your personal data.