Pre-planning sewerage enquiry

Before you buy a site or apply for planning approval, submit a pre-planning sewerage enquiry to Yorkshire Water and we can supply our views on the availability of the public sewer network and any restrictions.

Yorkshire Water colleagues

Pre-planning enquiry form

We've now implemented a flat fee structure for our pre-planning sewerage enquiries for each site.

You will need

  • Ordnance Survey plan (scale 1/1250 or 1/2500), with the site clearly marked and a location map or six-figure O.S. grid reference for rural sites.

  • Payment you can pay by BACS, debit or credit card, using our secure payment line, or a cheque payable to Yorkshire Water Services Limited.

  • Details of the type of proposed development, likely number of units and anticipated rates of discharge (in litres per second) of foul and surface water.

  • Extra Information such as: high and low points, watershed(s), the general direction(s) of fall, the preferred drainage outfall route(s) and proposed point(s) of access etc.

  • Topographical survey.

Now accepting BACS

Apply online

Our online application form is the quickest and easiest way to apply.

You can pay your application fee by bank transfer or payment card using our secure system.

Application fee: £195 + £39 (VAT) = £234

Apply online

You can also download and print this PDF or fill it out using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

What we'll do

We'll aim to respond to all pre-planning sewerage enquiries in writing within 21 days of receipt of payment with our views on the public sewer network, including comments on availability with a complementary extract of the Statutory Sewer Map.

Our comments will be made based on a 'desk top' study, so the more information we have the better informed our response will be.