Our strategy & vision 

We’ve built a new strategy we’ll use as we work to get from where we are now, to achieving our ambitious vision of ‘A Thriving Yorkshire: Right for Customers. Right for the environment’.

Children playing at Swinsty Reservoir

Our vision:

A Thriving Yorkshire. Right for customers. Right for the environment.

A region famous for its stunning beauty and natural environment, where communities can grow and prosper in a flourishing economy. Where anchor institutions like Yorkshire Water invest in infrastructure, create jobs, and support skills development and education – and work in joined-up leadership with other organisations across the region.


Doing what’s right for customers

  • Quality drinking water that tastes great
  • Bills that everyone can afford
  • An easy and reliable service that’s tailored to customers’ individual needs


Doing what’s right for the environment

  • Keeping wastewater in the pipes to reduce pollution
  • Protecting our precious water resources by reducing consumption and leakage
  • Eliminating carbon from our business to achieve net zero

Our strategy

By doing the right things for our customers and the environment, we can, in time, help create a thriving Yorkshire. This isn’t a new idea, it’s what we’re here to do and our strategy is the vehicle that will help us get there.

Here’s what our strategy looks like at a glance:


Our vision

The thing we're aiming for - what makes us get out of bed everyday.

A thriving Yorkshire. Right for customers. Right for the environment.


Strategic pillars

The key activities that will help us bring our vision to life.

Improving asset health

Creating an engaged, high performing team

Taking a joined-up approach



The long-term programmes and ways of working that underpin all out strategic activities - the bits we need to have in place to pass the starting line.

Modernisation programmes

Sustainable business

Of course, there’s a lot more to it than what you see here, but this gives you a good idea of how everyone at Yorkshire Water is working together and where we’re focusing our energy to achieve our vision.

Our business plan for 2025-2030 explains how we plan to deliver this for the next five years.

Take a look at our business plan for 2025-2030