Our reports

Yorkshire Water are proud of our people and the service they offer to you. We want you to know that you can rely on us, and that we're a company you can trust.

As part of this, we'd like to let you know how well we're getting on - not just the good bits, but reporting on all the key parts of the service we provide.

Cat In The Drawers

The annual performance report (APR)

In period outcome delivery incentives (ODIs)

Service Commitment Plan

The Annual Report and Financial Statement (ARFS)

The primary purpose of the ARFS is to ensure compliance with legal duties and to share a range of financial and other information. To respond to the needs of our many stakeholders we provide an overview of our performance and plans, along with additional information for specialist groups and to fulfil legal requirements.

Our Contribution to Yorkshire

Our Contribution to Yorkshire is the name for our work to enhance our understanding of the impacts we have on the environment, society, and the economy.

This approach looks beyond the financial balance sheet by applying a mix of accounting, economic valuation, and sustainability techniques to assess our impacts across the six capitals, and where appropriate, put a monetary value on those impacts.

Trusting our information – Our assurance

"It's important to us that our customers and stakeholders can be sure of the quality of the information we publish so that they have trust and confidence in us. Here, you can view our assurance plan for our Annual Performance Report, published each July, which shows you how we check and review our information to make sure that what we publish is correct.

Our reports 2025
Our reports 2024
Our reports 2023
Our reports 2022
Our reports 2021
Our reports 2020