Request a callback not working
We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with our callback service. Please use an alternative contact method. Thank you for your patience.
BD19 No water/low pressure
Customers in BD19 may have no water or low water pressure. We are investigating the issue and will restore supplies as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
How it works
Once a month, Yorkshire Water will randomly select one of our Direct Debit customers to win a year’s worth of water for free!
How to enter
There will be twelve monthly prize draws starting each April. You must have set up or already be a Direct Debit payer with Yorkshire Water. Following your first payment you’ll be entered into the monthly prize draws as long as Direct Debit payments are maintained.
Example for customers not currently paying by Direct:
- You are not currently a customer who pays by Direct Debit
- You change the way you pay to Direct Debit
- Your Direct Debit payment is successfully taken
- You will be entered into the prize draw the following month to win a year's supply of water!
- As long as your Direct Debit is maintained, you will be entered into future monthly prize draws.
Example for customers currently paying by Direct Debit:
- You are currently a customer who pays by Direct Debit and continue to do so
- Yorkshire Water will automatically enter you into the monthly prize draw to win a year's supply of water!
- As long as your Direct Debit is maintained, you will be entered into future monthly prize draws.
What you will win
Each monthly winner will receive a free supply of water for a financial year that runs from April until March.
The value of the prize is subject to a limit of “reasonable use” of water by the customer. This means the financial value of the prize may not cover the entire bill for the twelve-month period if, for example:
- The winner’s water usage results in a bill that is more than twice the annual bill for the same property in the period prior to the prize draw; or
- The winner’s water usage results in a bill that is more than three times the average annual household bill for the period prior to the prize draw; or
- The winner’s water usage means the value of the prize exceeds £1,500.
In these circumstances, the customer will be responsible for paying for any balance remaining on the account.
Payment will be made by cancelling the year’s charges, for services used in the period April – March. This prize will not reduce any amounts owed to Yorkshire Water for services received before the period April – March. After March the customer will be responsible for paying their bills.
There is no cash alternative to the prize, and the prize is non-transferable.
Changes in customer circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Who can take part
To take part you must be:
- a Yorkshire Water customer with a live account
- registered for and paying your bill by Direct Debit in the month before the prize draw
- a bill-payer for the property.
You may not take part if you are:
- an occupier of the property who is not named on the bill
- a business, charity and other non-domestic user
- any employee of Yorkshire Water or any of our group companies
- a previous winner of one of the monthly prize draws.
All eligible customers will be entered into the prize draw each month, and one account holder will be selected electronically using a randomised computer-generated process. For further information on how the draw will take place please get in touch.
Amendment of terms and withdrawal of the competition
Yorkshire Water reserves the right to change any terms of this competition (including eligibility criteria) without giving notice. If you want to ensure you are reading current terms and conditions, you must visit the version on our website. Printed copies may be out of date.
Yorkshire Water reserves the right to change or withdraw this competition at any time without giving notice. Such decision will not affect prizes already awarded. In the unlikely event that this occurs, we will provide an update on our website.