Leakage allowance

If you have recently repaired a leak on your property we'll consider an allowance request to recover back the cost of the water lost from the leak.

Ripples on water

Are you eligible to claim an allowance?

You will only be eligible to make a claim if:

  • You apply within 6 months of the repair
  • You have not already made a claim for the same property in the past 2 years
  • You have repaired the leak within 30 days of discovering it

We can't grant an allowance if:

  • There is evidence that the burst was caused by negligence of the customer, Retailer or 3rd Party

If you wish to make a leakage allowance claim please contact your water retailer who will submit your claim to us.

Helpful information you will need to provide to your retailer to support your claim:

  • The reason for the allowance request
  • Did the leaked water return to sewer  
  • Where was the leak and what caused it 
  • The date the leak was repaired
  • Two meter readings taken after the repair at least one week apart
  • If the leak took longer than 30 days to repair, the reason for the delay
  • Any additional supporting evidence of the leak repair e.g. repair bill, photos