Careers education and work experience

Find out about our live careers events and work experience at Yorkshire Water.

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Careers guidance 

Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future.

We offer a wide range of careers – everything from customer service, clean and wastewater operational roles, legal, finance, human resources and regulatory teams, to I.T. specialists, health & safety and sustainability experts.

We know that most schools across the region host career fairs at some point during the academic term and, as you can imagine, we receive hundreds of requests to attend. Unfortunately, we just don’t have enough people to do this, so we offer our Careers Live events at specific times of the year so everyone can take part using a virtual platform (TEAMS LIVE).


National Apprenticeship Week live event - 11.15am, 11 February 2025

National Apprenticeship Week is taking place from 10 to 16 February and is a great opportunity to celebrate the exceptional work carried out by apprentices and employers across the country and the positive difference apprenticeships can make to people of all ages and backgrounds.

On 11 February at 11.15am, we'd like you and your students to join our virtual careers talk to find out all about the exciting and varied career opportunities we have to offer. It's free of charge and will last approximately 45 minutes.

The session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams LIVE and will include a 'What Yorkshire Water does' presentation, examples of roles across the business, an overview of pathways into the company, a sample of the apprenticeship and graduate roles we offer, and hearing from some of our colleagues about their own experiences. This will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions via the live Q&A facility.


National Careers Week live event - 11.15am, 6 March 2025

National Careers Week is being held this year from 3 to 8 March, aiming to provide a focus for careers guidance activities which help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.

On 6 March at 11.15am, we'd like you and your students to join our live virtual careers talk to find out all about the exciting and varied career opportunities we have to offer. It's free of charge and will last approximately 45 minutes.

The session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams LIVE and will include a 'What Yorkshire Water does' presentation, examples of roles across the business, an overview of pathways into the company, a sample of the apprenticeship and graduate roles we offer and hearing from some of our colleagues about their own experiences. This will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions via the live Q&A facility.


Book now

To register, please complete the booking form for the session you would like to participate in. 

We'll send you an acknowledgement of your booking, along with your joining instructions.

Book now


Whilst we’d love you and your students to experience the sessions live and ask questions via the Q&A facility, we appreciate this might not be possible. Therefore, if you’re unable to join us live and would like to receive a recording instead, please submit your request here.

Careers fairs

During the academic year 2024/25, unfortunately we will not be able to provide any employee hosted stands for schools career fairs.

Our Learning Academy Team will be attending Leeds Apprenticeship Careers Fair on Wednesday 12 February 2025.

Work experience 

Work experience at Yorkshire Water is offered via our Industrial Cadets Work Experience programme. 

Industrial Cadets is a work experience programme for young people (age 16-18), accredited by the Engineering Development Trust (EDT).

The Yorkshire Water programme will give young people the opportunity to understand:

  • How the UK Water Industry works
  • The wide range of professions and skills needed within the industry.
  • Some of the challenges and skills shortages the Water Industry faces (and possible solutions) with a focus on the environment and sustainability, customer services, leakage operations, water conservation and water safety.
  • How we treat our water from source to tap with visits to a water treatment facility.  These will be operational and industrial sites and there is a requirement for all personally to wear protective equipment which we will provide.


At the end of the week, students will successfully complete the 30 hour attendance requirement will receive a nationally recognised Silver Level Industrial Cadets award.  This is similar to receiving a Duke of Edinburgh award, but with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Students can therefore use this award when applying for jobs / further education.

Students successfully completing the Industrial Cadet programme will also receive a guaranteed interview for one of our entry level roles (where the criteria is met) in the future.


Programme dates

Our next Industrial Cadets programme will take place week commencing 7th July 2025.

The course will be available for up to 30 students.

Students must be aged between 16-18 years of age and should be committed to attend 9am – 4.30pm each day of the week. 

Entry is via an application process.

Applications open on 16th December 2024 and close on 25th March 2025.

Gatsby benchmarks

Our offer links to the eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.

  • Our virtual programme links to Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees.
  • Our educational visits programme links to Benchmark 6 – Experiences of workplaces.
  • Our work experience programme links to Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees and Benchmark 6 – Experiences of workplaces.