Live events

Are your students studying water related topics during the academic year 2023/24?

If so, we are delighted to offer you the opportunity to take part in our programme of live virtual assemblies.

Throthy water

We will be offering a series of live virtual events covering key themes relevant to the national curriculum, citizenship and water safety throughout the academic year.

Our core programme will be offered every half term, with additional sessions on water safety during the summer term.

These events will be run on Microsoft Teams live secure platform.

2023/2024 timetable

1.10pm (30 mins) Key Stage 2 – Let's look after our water environment

We all have a part to play in protecting the environment and this session looks at three areas where small changes can make a big difference.

As one of the biggest landowners in the county, with acres of stunning countryside used for catching and collecting water, we'll learn about the Countryside Code and how we can respect, protect and enjoy the countryside around our reservoirs whilst leaving no trace.

And, of course, the water we collect is treated and used to keep the taps flowing and toilets flushing all across the region, so we'll look at how we can use this precious resource wisely.

Once the toilet has flushed and the plug has been pulled, we'll think about where our dirty water goes and how we can help prevent gruesome blockages, which can cause misery for homes and the environment.



To complement our live lesson, why not take a look at a free resource available from our partners, The Country Land and Business Association (CLA).

This downloadable resource is all about the Countryside Code.  Linking in with Key Stage 2 geography and citizenship syllabus, the lesson plan is full of interesting and exciting activities to encourage young people to learn about visiting the countryside using the three main headings of the Countryside Code; Respect, Protect & Enjoy.

Teachers are encouraged to download the resource from the web address below for a 'ready to use' lesson plan.  You can access the lesson plan here

1.45pm (30 mins) Early Years and Key Stage 1 - Water Safety Live

Our Water Safety live events offer an introduction to staying safe, both in and around water and in the wider landscape. 

Water safety is an important message all year round.  Cold water can be a killer and we'd like to start to raising awareness of water safety from a young age.

Aligning to Swim England’s water safety messaging, we’ll explain how students can help keep themselves and their family safe, endorse messaging about always swimming with an adult and explain where to find safe places to swim.

2.20pm (30 mins) Key Stage 2 - Water Safety Live

Water safety is an important message all year round.  Cold water can be a killer and we'd like to start to raising awareness of water safety from a young age.

Aligning to Swim England’s water safety messaging, we’ll explain how students can help keep themselves and their family safe, endorse messaging about always swimming with an adult, know where to find safe places to swim, and develop understanding that there can be hidden dangers in open water areas such as rivers, reservoirs, canals and seas.

We’ll also remind students how to Float on their back for 60 seconds without floatation equipment and explain why this is important.  We’ll explain that cold water can take your breath away and can result in people getting into difficulty and drowning.  Information will be provided in what to do in an emergency – do not enter the water and instead contact 999 and seek adult assistance.

During the 2023/24 academic term, our remaining live event dates are:

  • 3 July 2024

Book now

To register for any of our spring, summer or autumn events, please complete the booking form for the sessions you would like to participate in. 

Once registered, we'll send you an acknowledgement of your booking, along with your joining instructions.

Book now

Summer 2024 timetable

18 & 20 June 2024 - Drowning Prevention Week - Water Safety Live

Drowning Prevention Week (DPW) aims to equip everybody across the UK and Ireland with the skills and knowledge, to make the right decisions about water safety.

Swimming isn’t just a critical lifesaving skill, it’s a skill that opens up a lifetime of fun and adventure in and on the water and throughout 2020 and 2021, cohorts of young people have missed out on the opportunity to swim, leaving a dramatic gap in school swimming and water safety education.

The UK’s beautiful waterways should be places where everyone feels at ease, and can take pleasure from their surroundings, whatever their age, whatever their activity level.

To support this week long event run by The Royal Life Saving Society, we are holding a series of water safety live events on Tuesday 18 June and Thursday 20 June 2024.  Cold water can be a killer and we'd like to start to raising awareness of water safety from a young age.

We're offering sessions specifically tailored to different age groups, from Early Years to KS4, which will be delivered via Microsoft Teams Live by our Education Advisers.  The session for KS3 & 4 will be delivered in partnership with the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and the RNLI.

Aligning to Swim England’s water safety messaging, we’ll explain how students can help keep themselves and their friends safe, endorse messaging about where to find safe places to swim, and explain in detail why there are hidden dangers in open water areas such as rivers, reservoirs, canals and seas, and that algae in the water can cause rashes and stomach upsets.

Messaging will be provided on the potential increased risk of being near water with their peers (for older students including elements of peer pressure, risk taking, alcohol & drugs) and we’ll discuss know to look after our friends and help ensure that they stay safe.

We’ll explain how students should react in an emergency situation, who to contact and that they should not enter the water.  They’ll receive a reminder about ‘Float to Live’ messaging in case they ever get into difficulty. 

Book now

To register please complete the booking form for the session you would like to participate in. 

We'll send you an acknowledgement of your booking along with the joining instructions.

Book now

Special events

We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to participate in our special event calendar.  Booking details will be available nearer the time.

Celebrating World Toilet Day - Date to be confirmed for 2024

World Toilet Day is an opportunity to learn more about the global sanitation crisis.

World Toilet Day is observed each year on 19 November to raise awareness about the 3.6 billion people around the world who are still living without access to a safely managed toilet.

Without clean, safe toilets, human waste (poop) can contaminate communities’ food and water sources, which increases people’s chances of getting sick.

In 2023, we provided the opportunity for schools to join our live event on 16 November 2023 to celebrate World Toilet Day.

Please check back for information about our 2024 event.


Celebrating World Water Day - Friday 22 March 2024

Join schools from across the region to celebrate all things water!

World Water Day has been held every year since 1993.  It celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis. 

To mark World Water Day 2024, we'll be holding two live events on Friday 22 March at 9.30am and 11.15am.  Delivered via Microsoft Teams, each session will last approximately 30 minutes.

Aimed at Key Stage 2 students, the sessions will provide an insight into the work of WaterAid, the charity that aims to provide clean water and sanitation to those in need in developing countries.  We'll also explore the connection between water, sanitation and health, as well as focussing on our own water usage and how we can use it wisely.  Water is a precious resource and we can all make a difference by changing the way we use, consume and manage water in our lives.

Register for our World Water Day Live Events