More than a fifth of Brits still flush wet wipes despite blockage warnings

21% of Brits still flush wet wipes down their toilets


More than a fifth (21%) of Brits continue to flush wet wipes down their toilet, despite warnings on packets and from water companies.

Yorkshire Water is urging its customers to bin their wet wipes rather than flush them as part of the month-long Unblocktober campaign, which aims to reduce the number of foreign objects being poured down drains and flushed down toilets.

A national survey* asked more than 1,000 respondents about their toilet paper and wet wipe habits and revealed a generational split when it comes to flushing wipes.

It found people aged 35-44 are the worst culprits, with 32% admitting to flushing wet wipes. They were followed by those aged 25-34 (29%) and 45-54 age group (19%), while just 16% of 18-24s said they flush wipes.

Mark Hammond, head of customer field services at Yorkshire Water, said: “It is concerning to find that so many people are still flushing wet wipes down their toilets, despite our warning and information on packets not to do so.

“We spend millions of pounds every year on clearing blockages caused by items that should not be flushed – money which could be spent on improving our network and innovative new technologies.

“Wet wipes are the most common cause of blockages, but other items such as sanitary products, cooking oils and fats, nappies, cotton buds and clothing, are also responsible. Ultimately, the incorrect disposal of these items can result in sewage flooding in homes, neighbourhoods and the local environment, which is not pleasant for anyone concerned.

“So, this month as part of Unblocktober we’re encouraging people to consider what they put down their toilets. Anything other than the 3 Ps – poo, pee and (toilet) paper – has the potential to cause or contribute to blockages in the sewers so it is important people bin everything else.”