Bin Christmas cooking fats urges Yorkshire Water

A blockage caused by fat entering a sewer


Yorkshire Water is urging people in Yorkshire not to pour cooking fats from Christmas dinners down the sink to help prevent blockages that could cause a stink over the festive period.

Pouring fats, oils and greases down the sink and into the sewer can result in blockages forming and preventing flows of sewage.

Yorkshire Water is urging people in the region to let fats cool down after cooking and to put them in the bin rather than pouring them down the sink.

Fats cool as they enter the network and can form deposits within the sewer that increase over time as more fat enters the network and unflushables, such as wet wipes and sanitary items, become snagged.

Blockages caused by fats could lead to people being unable to use their toilets during the festive period or in the worst-case result in sewage flooding in their homes or pollution in the local environment and watercourses.

Mark Hammond, head of customer field services at Yorkshire Water said: “We know at this time of year many people will be cooking Christmas dinners for their friends and family. We understand that it is easy to pour cooking fats down the sink without thinking, but they can have a significant impact for homeowners and on the wider sewer network over time.

“Fats cool and congeal in pipework and can lead to people being unable to use their toilets and sinks in their home. If the fats enter the sewer network they can join together over time and create fatbergs, which restrict the flow of sewage and in the worst case can lead to pollution to the local environment or watercourses. It’s important people bin cooking fats, oils and greases over the Christmas period to reduce the likelihood of blockages in their area.”