Eight charities receive Yorkshire Water fund

Yorkshire Water has given grants to eight charities, including two local Age UK branches and the Royal Association for Deaf people, to help raise awareness of its priority services and support likeminded projects.
The charities will receive a grant from the water company which will support them to deliver services to vulnerable people and to raise awareness of Yorkshire Water’s priority services.
Yorkshire Water’s priority services help customers who may be significantly impacted if they can’t access water for a short period of time, or people who need to tailor their interaction with the utility company to ensure they have a positive experience.
The priority services include:
- Braille or audio copies of a customer’s bills
- A longer notice period for planned works in your area
- Bottled water delivered to your door if your usual supply is interrupted
- The ability to set up a unique password – so that if a Yorkshire Water employee comes to your door, you can be sure they’re genuine
- The ability to nominate someone else to manage your account
- Help to read your water meter it’s difficult to access
The charities receiving Yorkshire Water’s vulnerability fund include DIAL LEEDS, Calderdale Disability Partnership, Age UK York, Age UK Rotherham, Groundwork, Learning Community, Royal Association for Deaf people, and Next Steps Rydale.
Sue Evans, Joint CEO of Royal Association for Deaf people, said: “We are delighted to receive funding from Yorkshire Water to promote its Priority Services Register to deaf people in the region. The funding will enable us to promote the service in British Sign Language - ensuring that deaf people understand the benefits of registering and providing important support and guidance to register.”
Ash Roberts, customer vulnerability manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “Our vulnerability fund allows us to support some brilliant organisations to deliver crucial services to those that need them. It also gives us an opportunity to spread the word about the extra support we offer – from Braille and audio bills to unique passwords to protect you from bogus callers.
“Customers on our priority services register can disclose any additional needs they may have, and tailor their account to meet their requirements. We can support customers who have sight problems or are hard of hearing, have home dialysis, use a wheelchair, have mobility concerns, are a new parent, are concerned about unwanted callers, or would like someone else to manage their account.
“Signing up to the priority services register helps us understand day to day customer needs, as well as in the event of planned work, or an emergency repair, so we can make sure they get the assistance they need as soon as possible.
“We’re pleased to be supporting a group of fantastic charities and look forward to welcoming more customers to our priority services register.”
For more information on Yorkshire Water’s priority services register visit https://www.yorkshirewater.com/bill-account/priority-services-register/