Fat blocking Ripon sewer removed by Yorkshire Water

Yorkshire Water is urging people not to pour fats and oils down their sinks after a Ripon sewer became completed blocked by congealed fats.
A team from Yorkshire Water were able to break up the blockage and remove it from a 450mm sewer. The blockage had prevented sewage from flowing through the network towards the wastewater treatment works.
Lee Pinder, regional operations manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “The disposal of fats and greases down sinks can result in significant blockages within the network.
“This fatberg was completely blocking the flow of sewage to the treatment works, leading it to back up in the network, with the potential to cause sewage flooding for nearby homes, businesses and the local environment.
“While pouring fats and greases down the drain may seem harmless, we know from experience that the build ups caused by frequent disposal of these liquids can have significant consequences. The fats and oils congeal in the network and can grow as more unflushables, such as wet wipes, attach to it.
“Thankfully, our team was able to identify this particular blockage and remove it before it had an impact on our customers.
“We’d urge everyone to help fight fatbergs in our sewers by disposing of fat and oils in the bin and by only flushing the 3Ps – pee, poo and (toilet) paper.”