Yorkshire Water reminds customers to use water wisely as hot weather hits 

Yorkshire Water reservoir in the sunshine
Saving water


With temperatures across the region looking to get up to 30 degrees on Friday, Yorkshire Water is reminding its customers to use water wisely in the hot weather.  

Emily Brady of Yorkshire Water said: “We’re expecting to see a big jump in the temperature on Friday and know that a lot of our customers will enjoy getting out in the garden to enjoy the sunshine. Being careful with how much water you use helps to make sure that there’s enough for everyone. We don’t want to dampen anyone’s fun – but there are some really quick and easy ways to save water whilst enjoying the weather.”  

Yorkshire Water’s top warm weather water tips include:  

  • Pool your ideas!  

If you’re hoping to have a splash about in the paddling pool, then be savvy with your water – either cover the pool with a fitted bed sheet at the end of the day, so that you can reuse the water and avoid catching any flies or reuse the water by filling your watering can up from the pool and giving your plants a nice drink at the end of the day!  

  • Perfect plants  

Don’t worry about watering your plants during the day – most of the water will evaporate during the hottest parts of the day, so save it till the evening when it’s nice and cool and your plants can soak it all up   

  • Cool down  

A nice quick cool shower can be a wonderful treat on a hot day! Use our playlist of four-minute songs to try and stick to a short shower 

  • Happily Hydrated  

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, especially if you’re out in the sunshine 


Emily continued, “As always, our teams will be working hard to get water into customers' pipes as quickly as we can, and our leakage teams will be out and about stopping any leaks on the network.  

Using water wisely is important all year round, especially when it’s hot weather. Head to our website for more water saving tips.”  

For more information on water saving, go to: https://www.yorkshirewater.com/your-water/save-water/