Yorkshire Water supports school gardening club

Yorkshire Water has donated a water butt to Thorpe Primary School to support its new gardening club.
The school was recently awarded a Bronze Food for Life Award and hopes that by starting their own gardening club they could soon achieve the Silver Food for Life Award.
The club will encourage students to learn about gardening, growing vegetables and the importance of using water wisely.
Alison Hipkin, water conservation campaign coordinator for Yorkshire Water, said: “Water butts are a fantastic way to capture rainwater and put it to use in your garden. Not only is rainwater particularly good for growing plants, but it also means that you use less water from the tap, which helps the environment too. We’re really pleased we could help Thorpe Primary School and can’t wait to hear about the adventures of their new gardening club!”
Miss Brook of Thorpe Primary School said: “We would like to say a huge thank you to Yorkshire Water for the water butt. We are in the process of starting a gardening club at our school, where we will be growing fruit and vegetables to use in our home economics class and the water butt will definitely come in handy!”