Yorkshire Water investing £450k to reduce flooding in Carlton Miniott

Yorkshire Water colleagues
General news Network and infrastructure


Yorkshire Water is investing £450,000 to help to reduce wastewater flooding in Carlton Miniott by upgrading the sewer network and undertaking investigations ahead of further work in the future.

The investment is split into two phases:

  • £200,000 to construct new sewers and a manhole to separate wastewater flows at the Vicarage sewage pumping station
  • £250,000 investigation into the wider network in Carlton Miniott to model the flows in the combined sewer during rainfall events and consist of CCTV of the existing sewers and surveys of manholes and impermeable surfaces in the village

The work at Vicarage sewage pumping station will get underway on Carlton Road on 1 October and will be carried out by contract partner Avove.

Two new sewers will be laid, and a new manhole constructed as part of the complex work, which will be carried out at a depth of three metres and will require additional equipment to deal with the high water table in the area and difficult ground conditions.

The new sewers will separate wastewater flows providing extra capacity in the combined sewer, giving extra protection at the pumping station in periods of prolonged or heavy rainfall events.

Due to the complex nature of the work, two-way traffic lights will be required on Carlton Road for six weeks.

Jon Martin, asset planning sponsor at Yorkshire Water, said: “This investment in Carlton Miniott is designed to reduce the likelihood of wastewater flooding of the road, properties and gardens in the area. Avove will be carrying out this complex work over a six-week period from 1 October and will be working as quickly as possible to complete the work and minimise disruption. Our customer team has visited local residents to provide details of the project, and the likely disruption caused by the traffic lights.

“Further surveys are underway in the area to model the network in the hope of identifying further measures we can take to reduce wastewater flooding in the area.”