Laxton sewer project comes to successful completion

Yorkshire Water is pleased to announce its £978k investment to replace almost 1km of sewer in the East Yorkshire village of Laxton will complete this week.
The project to replace PVC pipes at Laxton sewage pumping station (SPS) rising main with tough and durable 125mm high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes will significantly reduce the likelihood of leaks and bursts.
Contract partners Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) began on site in July, pausing the start at the request of the Parish Council, so that work did not interrupt the lighting of the Laxton beacon as part of the village’s 80th D-Day commemoration.
Pamela Ajayi, project manager, Yorkshire Water, said: “The phased project, which included crossing the railway line for the installation of a new air valve, required a number of road closures and traffic diversions. We and our partners would like to thank the residents of Laxton for their patience and understanding whilst we conducted this important work.
“This major pipe replacement will improve resilience of the wastewater network in East Yorkshire and is part of an £800m by Yorkshire Water across the region by April 2025 to improve the water environment, with a focus on protecting river and coastal water quality.”
Yorkshire Water is set to deliver its largest ever environmental investment between 2025 and 2030, with £8.3bn to be spent across the region.