Scar House & Angram walk

Situated at the head of Nidderdale, this often wild yet beautiful area can be explored using this circular route around the water.

View across Scar House & Angram

Get your walking boots on

Scar House Reservoir is remote and peaceful and surrounded by impressive scenery. Along this route you can also admire the impressive architecture of the neighbouring Angram Reservoir, with its dramatic arches across the spillway which flows into Scar House.


ParkingDisabled parking   Toilets     Disabled toilet Picnic area Bus service



Near Middlesmoor in Nidderdale, about 10 miles north of Pateley Bridge.


Hiking bootHiking bootHiking bootGreyed out hiking boot

3 out of 4

Route length

6 miles

Walking time

4 hours

Terrain & gradient

A mixture of rough, uneven tracks, tarmac roads and moorland paths. Some sections can get muddy and boggy at wetter times of year. There are some steep climbs and lots of stiles. Sturdy boots, waterproofs and appropriate warm layers are recommended, as this is an exposed area where the weather can quickly change. The track around Angram is a lot more boggy than round Scar House.

How to get there

By car

This route starts from our free car park (Point 1 on the walk guide), which is near the end of the reservoir dam and does not have a height barrier. To get here, follow our private tarmac access road, which turns off to the right about 100 metres after Lofthouse village when driving towards Middlesmoor.

To get to Lofthouse Village from Pateley Bridge, follow Low Wath Road for about 7 miles.

From Masham

Follow Fearby Road, which becomes Keld Bank and passes through Healey and Leighton. After Leighton Reservoir, Keld Bank becomes Pott Bank, then Pott Moor High Road, then Trapping Hill before entering Lofthouse Village, about 10 miles from Masham. Take a right at the T-junction, then look out for the Yorkshire Water access road on the right after about 150m.

By public transport

Nidderdale DalesBus 821 runs to Scar House Reservoir Cafe from Keighley, Shipley, Guiseley, Otley and Pateley Bridge on summer sundays and bank holidays.

Visitor information

To keep everyone happy and safe, please:

  • follow government guidance
  • don’t swim
  • take your litter home
  • stick to the path
  • keep your dog on a lead
  • clean up after your dog
  • don’t light fires or BBQs.

Looking for a more accessible walk?

Part of our Scar House walk has wide, surfaced tracks with no steps or stiles and a gentle incline. 

Walk Distance Difficulty Facilities

Scar House walk

4 miles 3 out of 4

ParkingDisabled parking Toilets  Disabled toilet Picnic area Bus service