Protect pipes.
Avoid bursts.

Wrapping up for winter? Remember to wrap your pipes and outdoor taps too.

Children under blanket drinking hot chocolate

It’s chilly out there! If you’re putting on an extra layer, you might want to think about doing the same with your pipes. Sub-zero temperatures can cause your water pipes to freeze and burst. If this happens, it can cost a lot to fix, so it’s really important you protect your pipes and outdoor taps. It’s easy to do, doesn’t cost a lot and won’t take you long. Read our top tips and check out our short videos to see how simple it is to wrap your home up against the cold. Let's keep the hot brews coming, warm showers flowing and the heating ticking over!

How to get your home winter ready

Protect your pipes and taps

Check for pipes, taps, cisterns, tanks and water meters in unheated areas that might be exposed to the cold. When you’ve found them, cut a piece of lagging to size and clip it on. If you’ve got some cable ties handy, pop a couple on to keep it secure. Protect your outdoor taps with a tap cover to stop them freezing.


Keep it cosy

Heating a home is expensive, but so is a burst pipe. If you can, leave your heating on constantly at a low temperature so your pipes don’t freeze. If severe weather is forecast, set the heating to your usual level, day and night.

Cat sleeping on a radiator

Find your stop tap

If your pipes freeze and burst, the first thing you’ll need to do is shut off the stop tap. It’s worth checking where your stop tap is now so you’re prepared if the worst happens. They’re usually found under your kitchen sink.

Stop tap

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Washing machine and t-shirt hanging on washing line

See how it's done

Our handy how to videos will walk you through everything you need to do.

How we're helping you have a stress-free winter

Looking for leaks

We’re investing in new technologies to help us detect leaks quicker and our dedicated team of leakage inspectors are very busy maintaining our network and preventing water supply disruptions. During the winter, underground pipes are more likely to leak or burst because sub-zero temperatures cause them to contract and thaw, so they're extra busy! 

Report a leak

Leaky pipe

Extra help when you need it

We want to make sure everyone is happy and safe. We know that sometimes our customers have additional needs or need a bit of extra help. There are lots of things we can do - we can make bills and meters more accessible, provide bottled water if your supply is interrupted and protect you from bogus callers - just tell us what you need.

Sign up for Priority Services


Help to pay your bill

Whether you’re running a hot bath, cooking a hearty meal or making a brew to warm you through, we all rely on water at this time of year to keep us nice and toasty. We want all our customers to be able to use what they need, without worrying about paying their water bills. If you are struggling, please get in touch or apply for one of our schemes.

Help paying your bill

Piggy bank

Who to call

If the worst does happen this winter, here are some people who can help.

Local trusted plumbers 

If one of your pipes does burst, make sure you're in safe hands by calling an approved plumber. You can find a local one on the WaterSafe website.

HomeServe home cover

For peace of mind, you might want to think about emergency home cover. HomeServe have a range of policies and if something did go wrong, one of their approved engineers will sort it.

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