PR19 Appendices
You can download our appendices, which we refer to in our proposed business plan for 2020-2025, below. Most of our appendices are in a PDF format which can be opened using a PDF viewer. Where necessary, some appendices are in a different format. Either:
Spreadsheet – which can be opened with spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel
Hyperlink – which will open a new window in your browser
We have highlighted where this is the case.
Chapter 1 - Executive summary
There are no appendices in this chapter
Chapter 2 - The thinking behind our plan
Chapter 3 - Board assurance statement
There are no appendices in this chapter
Chapter 4 - Governance and assurance
Appendix 4a - Board oversight of plan development (.pdf)
Appendix 4b - PR19 Principal Assurance Activities (.pdf)
Appendix 4c - Senior executive pay (.pdf)
Appendix 4d - Yorkshire Water Cover Letter - Deloitte PR19 Assessment Support (.pdf)
Appendix 4e - Halcrow PR19 Assurance Report and Statement (.pdf)
Chapter 5 - Our engagement and participation
Appendix 5a - Customer and Stakeholder Engagement (.pdf)
Appendix 5b - Engagement activity undertaken to the support plan (.pdf)
Appendix 5c - Table of Forum engagement activity challenges (.pdf)
Appendix 5d - Understanding Customer Values Data Triangulation Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5e - Understanding Customer Values Stated Preference Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5f - Understanding Customer Values Stated Preference Severity Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5g - Understanding Customer Values Preference River Water Quality Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5h - Understanding Customer Values Preference Business Survey Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5i - Understanding Customers Values Behavioural Experiment Report (.pdf)
Appendix 5j - Understanding Customer Values Trust Experiment Report (.pdf)
Chapter 6 - Customer service
There are no appendices in this chapter
Chapter 7 - Affordability and vulnerability
Appendix 7a - Experian Yorkshire Household Income (.pdf)
Appendix 7b - Economic Insight Cross-sector benchmarking (.pdf)
Appendix 7c - Yorkshire Water launches new pilot scheme (.pdf)
Appendix 7d - WaterSupport customer survey results (.pdf)
Appendix 7e - Fineline Social tariff research (.pdf)
Appendix 7f - Disability prevalence 2011-12 (.pdf)
Appendix 7g - How the population of England is expected to age (.pdf)
Appendix 7h - Research from Alzheimers Society (.pdf)
Appendix 7i - Cancer in West Yorkshire and registration statistics (.pdf)
Appendix 7k - Understanding our customers (.pdf)
Appendix 7l - Customers in circumstances which may make them vulnerable (.pdf)
Appendix 7m - Understanding Vulnerable Customers (.pdf)
Appendix 7n - Notes from Safeguarding Roundtable (.pdf)
Chapter 8 - Cost efficiency
Appendix 8a - Wholesale and cross sector efficiency (.pdf)
Appendix 8b - Household retail efficiency benchmarking (.pdf)
Appendix 8c - Setting our cost efficiency challenge (.pdf)
Appendix 8e - Cross-sector benchmarking of bad debt (.pdf)
Appendix 8f - Wholesale Cost Appendices (.pdf)
Appendix 8g - WINEP Technical appendix (.pdf)
Appendix 8h - Approach to cost adjustment claims (.pdf)
Appendix 8i - An in the round assessment of cost adj claims (.pdf)
Appendix 8k (I – IV) - YKY WWN+01 Cellared properties (.pdf)
Appendix 8l (I – VII)- YKY WWN+04 Wastewater Growth (.pdf)
Appendix 8m (I – IV) - YKY BR-01 Bioresources - WINEP Enhancement Expenditure (.pdf)
Appendix 8n - The scope for frontier shift efficiency at PR19 (.pdf)
Appendix 8o - Inflation forecasting Real price effects (.pdf)
Appendix 8p - Yorkshire Water Forum for customer statement of support (.pdf)
Chapter 9 - Decision efficiency
There are no appendices in this chapter
Chapter 10 - The six capitals, innovation and transformation
Appendix 10a - Total Impact and Value Assessment (.pdf)
Appendix 10b - Open innovation (.pdf)
Appendix 10c - Innovation scorecard (.pdf)
Appendix 10d - Innovation Strategy (.pdf)
Appendix 10e - Institute for water and wetland research concept (weblink)
Appendix 10f - Institute for water and wetland research concept AR (weblink)
Appendix 10g - Vertical farm (weblink)
Chapter 11 - Procurement - markets and direct procurement for customers
Appendix 11a - Direct procurement for customers (.pdf)
Appendix 11b - Bid assessment framework submission (.pdf)
Appendix 11c - Yorkshire Water Growth Schemes Scenarios - Phase 1 report (.pdf)
Appendix 11d - The Potential Application of the NAV model to new development in Yorkshire (.pdf)
Appendix 11e - Generating value from Yorkshire Water land holdings (.pdf)
Appendix 11f - Kelda Sludge Markets Decision Support Report (.pdf)
Appendix 11g - KPMG Bioresources report June 2017 (.pdf)
Appendix 11h - Bioresources market testing final report March 2018 (unavailable for reasons of confidentiality)
Appendix 11i - ATKINS - Water Rights Trading Review January 2017 (.pdf)
Appendix 11l - Kelda Knostrop Tarmac FE Pipeline - Issue January 2017 (.pdf)
Chapter 12 - Resilience
Chapter 13 - Financeability risk and return
Appendix 13a - RORE analysis (.pdf)
Appendix 13b - ODI RoRE Risk Analysis - a report for Yorkshire Water (.pdf)
Appendix 13c - Estimating retail cost risk (.pdf)
Appendix 13d - Estimating totex risk (.pdf)
Appendix 13e - Financeability analysis – Appointee (.pdf)
Appendix 13f - Financeability analysis - Price controls (.pdf)
Appendix 13g - Financial resilience analysis (.pdf)
Appendix 13h - Sharing Mechanism (.pdf)
Appendix 13i - Cost recovery rates (.pdf)
Appendix 13j - RoRE Risk Framework and preliminary analysis (.pdf)
Chapter 14 - Water network plus price control
Chapter 15 - Wastewater network plus price control
Chapter 16 - Water resources price control
Chapter 17 - Bioresources price control
Chapter 18 - Residential retail price control
Appendix 18a - DJS HHR Service level Assessment (.pdf)
Appendix 18b - Lifestyle Research (.pdf)
Appendix 18c - CCWater Water Matters Results (.pdf)
Appendix 18d - Cross Sector benchmarking of bad debt (.pdf)
Appendix 18e - Empty Homes in England (.pdf)
Appendix 18f - Social tariff research (.pdf)
Appendix 18g - Public Trust and confidence in charities (.pdf)
Appendix 18h - Table of support to provide financial help to customers (.pdf)
Chapter 19 - Appointee performance Commitments
Appendix 19b - Bespoke Performance Commitment Definitions (.pdf)
Appendix 19b - Updates to Draft Performance Commitment Definitions (.pdf)
Appendix 19c - Approach to PCs and ODIs (.pdf)
Appendix 19c - Performance Commitment definitions (.zip)
Appendix 19g Forecasts of common performance commitments (.pdf)
Chapter 20 - Accounting for past delivery
Appendix 20a - Accounting for delivery (.pdf)
Appendix 20b - Thorne report (.pdf)
Appendix 20c - PR14 reconciliation submission summary (.pdf)
Appendix 20d - Totex menu PR14 reconciliation model (.xlsx)
Appendix 20e - WRFIM PR14 reconciliation model (.xlsx)
Appendix 20f - PR19 revenue adjustments feeder model (.xlsm)
Appendix 20g - PR19 RCV adjustments feeder model (.xlsm)
Appendix 20h - Residential (Household) retail PR14 reconciliation model (.xlsx)
Appendix 20i -Water loss (Beast from the East) Customer survey (.pdf)
Chapter 21 - Business retail price control
Documents supporting our PR19 plan
Data tables and models
Revised PR19 Business plan tables (Oct 18) (.xlsb)
Statement of changes to data tables (.pdf)
PR19 Business plan tables (Sep 18) (.xlsx)
Commentary for the data tables (.pdf)
Residential (Household) retail PR14 reconciliation model (.xlsx)
Totex menu PR14 reconciliation model (.xlsx)
PR14 Wholesale revenue forecasting incentive mechanism (.xlsx)
PR19 Ofwat financial model (Oct 18) (.xlsb)