Developer Services charges

Find out what, and how, we charge for new connection services.

Yorkshire Water colleagues

Our charges 2025/2026

Our New Connections Charging Arrangements 2025/2026 book outlines our charges for new connection services from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.

To make our charges easy to reference, we’ve also published the Tables of Charges, which appear in the book, in a separate, shorter document.

New connection charging arrangements 2025/2026

You can read this document in your browser or download it.

Tables of charges 2025/2026

You can read this document in your browser or download it.

Calculate your water connection estimate based on our current charges

Get an estimate for a new or replacement water connection:​

  • it’s free​ to calculate
  • it takes less than 3 minutes​
  • you can calculate an estimate for up to three household water connections​
  • you’ll get a rough idea of the costs so you can decide what to do next.​

Mains scheme estimate calculator

Calculate a free estimate for works on a large development site, including new water main installations and individual plot connections. Ideal for professional developers and self-lay providers.

This is a .xlsx document which can be opened with Microsoft Excel.

In our Statement of Significant Changes, we set out how our charges for new connection services have changed since 2024/2025 and the impact you can expect on your bills for 2025/2026.

Our Board Assurance Statement provides confirmation that we’ve complied with Ofwat’s English New Connection Rules in the development of our 2025/2026 charges.

Statement of significant changes 2025/2026

You can read this document in your browser or download it.

Board assurance statement January 2025

You can read this document in your browser or download it.

Previous charges

2024/2025 charges
2023/2024 charges
2022/2023 charges
2021/2022 charges
2020/2021 charges

The documents below outline the charges for our services from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021. Our documents for 2018/19 and 2019/20 are still available to view at the bottom of this page.

We also include a link to our Board assurance statement, and final Bill Impact Assessment. The information we published as part of the indicative Bill Impact Assessment is still available for you to view.

New Connection Services Charging Arrangements 2020-2021

New Connection Charges 2020-2021 - Board Assurement Statement

New Connection Charges Bill Impact Assessment

New Connection Charges - Consultation Findings Report

Indicative charges bill impact assessment consultation

We have carried out an assessment of the expected impact on customers bills from our proposed changes to our charges for new connection services for the 2020-2021 year, and we consulted our customers. The consultation document may be viewed below.

Indicative charges bill impact assessment 2020-2021

2019/2020 charges

The documents below outline the charges for our services from 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020. Our 2018-2019 documents are still available to view at the bottom of this page.

We also include a link to our Board Assurance statement, and a document outlining the consultation activities we have engaged in for the creation of our charging arrangements.

New Connection Services Consultation Report

New Connection Services Charging Arrangements (updated April 2019)

New Connection Services Board Assurance Statement

Developers have the choice of approaching a New Appointment Variation (NAV) rather than the incumbent water company for the adoption of infrastructure.

Developers also have the option of approaching a Self-Lay Provider (SLP) for the contestable work in the delivery of the water supply.

Assessing the balance of Developer Charges and setting Infrastructure Charges

Ahead of establishing our 2018-19 charges we conducted a review of our developer related expenditure and income over the period between 2000-17.  The analysis showed that the expenditure and income were closely matched over the 17 year period.  This allowed is to consider the requirement for income offsetting and asset payments and the value at which the infrastructure charges could be set, with the aim was of simplifying the charges.  The result was that we were able to reduce the infrastructure charge from £732 to £250 and eliminate the need for income offsetting and asset payments.  We have held the infrastructure charge at £250 for 2019-20.  This document summarises our considerations and the analysis conducted in arriving at the revised charges.

Assessing the balance of Developer Charges and Setting Infrastructure charges

2018/2019 charges

Historically, charges for new connections have been unnecessarily complex, not wholly transparent and there has been confusion around different interpretations across the industry.

Ofwat, in line with guidance provided by Defra, have set charging rules for new connection services, that water and wastewater companies located in England must follow when setting charges for new connections.

The new rules came into effect on April 1st 2018. The changes to the charges for new connections will help improve transparency, and provide greater clarity on charging. The changes will also encourage competition within the water sector. Our charging framework has been built on Ofwat’s four guiding principles:

  1. Fair and affordable
  2. Environmental protection
  3. Stable and predictable
  4. Transparent and customer focused

The documents below contain our charging arrangements for 2018-19. Our framework provides our customers with greater predictability for water and sewerage services. The documents have been created to be used alongside the Charges for Connection Services Sector Guidance issued by Water UK.

New Connection Services Charging Arrangements 2018-2019

New Connection Services Charging Arrangements Board Assurance Statement 2018-2019

The charges and charges methodologies include any relevant miscellaneous and ancillary costs such as assessment, inspection, design, legal and supervision charges. To provide you with a complete set of information, we have included any ‘other charges’ relating to new development functions, not covered under Ofwat’s rules.

Yorkshire Water undertook a consultation on the changes to the connection charges and our proposals prior to the publication of our 2018-19 Charging Arrangements, compliant with the rules. The Water Industry Act (1991) allows water companies to recover costs from its developer customers for providing relevant infrastructure for new developments and connections to the water company’s water and sewerage network.

The charges affected by the change in the rules were:

Infrastructure Charge – a developer customer pays an infrastructure charge to us on communicating a property to our water and/or sewerage network.

Requisition Charge– this is the contribution that a developer customer may have to pay when a new water main and/or new sewer is installed by us to provide a new development with water and/or sewerage services.

Connection Charge – this is the charge that a customer pays for the actual connection to a public water main/sewer.