Something not quite right about your water?
If your water looks, tastes or smells funny we can help you find out why.
Funny colours
Odd tastes and smells
Water hardness
Water pressure
If you turn on your taps and find you have no cold water, or very low water pressure, it may simply be because there's work going on in your area.
Serving 5.7 million customers with the water they need every day doesn't always go as smoothly as we'd like. If you have a problem with your water supply, or you've spotted an issue, we want to know about it so we can get it fixed as quickly as possible.
Find out if we already know about the problem
There's a good chance we're already working on fixing the issue.
Let us know about a problem
If we don't already know about your issue, visit our report a problem page.
Whose pipe is it anyway?
When it comes to pipes, sometimes it's hard to know who looks after what. We'll help you work it out.
Bad weather
Yorkshire gets its fair share of weather. Whether it's too cold, too hot, too dry or too wet, we can help you look after yourself and your home.
Saving water can help you save money all year round, but it's especially important during heatwaves and droughts. Find out how your can save.
Cold snaps
Freezing temperatures can cause havoc with your pipes, potentially cutting off your water supply so it’s really important to lag your pipes and give your home some TLC to keep it warm and cosy, keep the brews coming and the heating ticking over.
When the rain never seems like it's going to end, there are steps you can take to keep safe from flooding and help us find and fix issues.
Keeping Yorkshire blockage-free
A few simple changes in habits will help prevent the inconvenience and cost of repairs and help keep Yorkshire blockage free.

Looking after your pipes
Plumbing advice
We do a lot to provide your home with high quality water and take away your sewage. When that water's on your property, it's over to you to look after it. Here's some advice on the laws around plumbing and what you can do to protect your property from plumbing problems.
Emergency home cover
From blocked drains and broken boilers to pest infestations and security incidents, choose from a range of policies sold, arranged and administered by HomeServe and underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited.
Slow draining toilets & sinks?
Slow draining toilets and sinks can be annoying. Learn how to fix them with Yorkshire Water.
Help us protect the environment by fixing misconnections in your home.

Pipe and sewer records
You can find out about the sewers and water mains in and around your property with SafeMove.
Give and take
We bring lovely, clean high-quality water straight to your home. When you're done with it, we take most of it away.
Drinking water standards
Making sure your water is clean and safe to drink is our number one priority.
Sewage treatment services
We don't just supply Yorkshire's homes with clean water, we also take it away.