Developer Services application library

Yorkshire Water employees

Online portal applications

Our online forms for clean water applications are currently unavailable, but you can still apply using our PDF application forms below. Our wastewater application forms are still available via the online portal.

What best describes you?

Clean water applications

Water connections

Apply for a water connection/s to our existing mains network.

Permanent disconnection of existing supply

Apply for a disconnection of an existing water supply. Don't use this form if you only need a temporary disconnection.

Re-quote request

Request changes to a water connection quote or renewal of an expired quote.

Public water main diversion/disconnection

Apply for a diversion/disconnection of a public water main in accordance with section 185 of the Water Industry Act.

Notification of Plumbing (Reg 5)

Notify us of any plumbing works in accordance with the relevant water regulations.

Sewerage applications

Connect to public sewer network (S106)

Apply for a new connection(s) to the public sewer network, under S106 of the Water Industry Act.

Sewer build over-enquiry

Apply if you're proposing to construct, extend or underpin a building within your property boundary.

Minor sewer diversion (S185)

Apply to make alterations to, or diversions of, the existing public sewer network, under S185 of the Water Industry Act.

First-time sewerage

Apply for us to install a new public sewer if a private drainage system (septic tank, cesspool or private sewer) for two or more homes is causing environmental or amenity problems.

Clean water applications

Pre-planning enquiry

Apply for information to see if we can supply your new development site, and/or if work will be needed on the network.

Water connections

Apply for a water connection/s to our existing mains network.

Requisition water main and service connections

Apply for a new water main and service connections to be installed by Yorkshire Water (typically to a development site involving new roads being built to adoptable standards).

Mains call-off request

Submit a work request for a water main installation or diversion once you’ve paid your quote.

Bulk order request

Submit a bulk request for service connection quotes on a mains scheme once the mains have been laid.

Re-design/re-approval request

Request a re-design of a mains scheme or re-approval of an amended self-lay design.

Re-quote request

Request changes to a water connection quote or renewal of an expired quote.

Permanent disconnection of existing supply

Apply for a disconnection of an existing water supply. Don't use this form if you only require a temporary disconnection.

Public water main diversion/disconnection

Apply for a diversion/disconnection of a public water main in accordance with section 185 of the Water Industry Act.

Sewerage applications

Pre-planning sewerage enquiry

Apply for information to see the availability of the public sewer network and/or any restrictions for your new development site.

Connect to public sewer network (S106)

Apply for a new connection(s) to the public sewer network, under S106 of the Water Industry Act.

Pre-design discussion request (S104)

Request a pre-design discussion with us if you’re proposing to construct new sewers and associated assets for adoption.

Adoption of new sewers (S104)

Apply to offer new sewers, pumping stations or treatment works for adoption prior to construction, under S104 of the Water Industry Act.

Request to prepare engrossed agreements (S104)

Request for us to prepare a Model Sewer Adoption Agreement once you’ve received our technical acceptance of your sewer design.

Model sewer adoption agreement (S104)

Prepare a Model Sewer Adoption Agreement once you’ve received our technical acceptance of your sewer design and return it to us for signing.

Pre-start inspection request (S104)

Request a pre-start inspection meeting with a site inspector once you’ve received our conditional and/or technical acceptance of your sewer design.

Pre-maintenance inspection request (S104)

Request a pre-maintenance inspection once the sewers and associated assets have been constructed and the site has reached 51% occupancy.

Final inspection request (S104)

Request a final inspection of the sewer construction works once your site is within 3 months of the end of its maintenance period.

Variation request (S104)

Request a variation to the sewer design contained within the signed S104 sewer adoption agreement.

Adoption of existing sewers (S102)

Apply to offer existing sewers, pumping stations or treatment works for adoption, under S102 of the Water Industry Act.

Minor sewer diversion (S185)

Apply to make alterations to, or diversions of, the existing public sewer network, under S185 of the Water Industry Act.

Pre-maintenance inspection request (S185)

Request a pre-maintenance inspection once the sewers and associated assets have been diverted.

Final inspection request (S185)

Request a final inspection of the sewer diversion works once your site is within 3 months of the end of its maintenance period.

Major sewer diversion or alteration (developer led)

Apply to make a diversion to a critical (large diameter or non-gravity piped) public sewer system.

Major sewer diversion (Yorkshire Water led)

Apply for us to carry out a major diversion of a critical public sewer system.

Sewer requisition

Apply for us to install a new public sewer if access through third-party land is not possible.

First time sewerage

Apply for us to install a new public sewer if a private drainage system (septic tank, cesspool or private sewer) for two or more homes is causing environmental or amenity problems.

Highway drainage connection (S115)

If you’re a local highway authority or civil engineer, apply for our approval for a highway connection to the public sewer network.

Sewer closure (S116)

Apply if you need to close/abandon a sewer to make site remediation works easier or to remove a restriction from future development.

Self-lay point of connection enquiry

If you're an SLP, or are intending to use an SLP, apply at the detailed planning stage for information on point(s) of connection.

Self-lay water main and service connections

Apply to self-lay a new water main and service connections to a development site (typically involving new roads to be built to adoptable standards).

Source of water confirmation

Submit confirmation of the source of water delivery date when returning your signed self-lay agreement.

Weekly whereabouts

Submit details of your weekly self-lay activities during the works.

Self-lay routine in-line mains connections

Apply for approval from us for an SLP to carry out a routine in-line mains connection on a self-lay site.

Self-lay service connections to existing mains

Apply for approval from us for an SLP to carry out a service connection to our existing live network.

Self-lay bulk meter request

Request a supply of meters to be collected/delivered to a self-lay site.

Self-lay meter installation

Submit the installation details for meters installed on a self-lay site.

Re-design/re-approval request

Request a re-design of a mains scheme or re-approval of an amended self-lay design.

Minor variation request

Request a minor variation to a self-lay (S51a) agreement.

Re-quote request

Request changes to a water connection quote or renewal of an expired quote.

Asset value payment request

Request payment for a new water main that has been installed by a self-lay provider under a Codes of Practice agreement.

NAV application

If you’re a new appointee or variant (NAV), apply for site-served status, point of connection, point of discharge, a bulk supply offer and/or a bulk discharge offer.

Mains call off request

Submit a work request for a water main installation or diversion once you’ve paid your quote.

Self-lay water main and service connections

Apply to self-lay a new water main and service connections to a development site (typically involving new roads to be built to adoptable standards).

Connect to public sewer network (S106)

Apply for a new connection(s) to the public sewer network, under S106 of the Water Industry Act.

NAV bulk meter information

Submit the bulk supply meter installation details so we can set up your billing account.