
  • A646 Halifax Road - Road reopened
    The A646 Halifax Road at Charlestown has partially reopened under two-way lights. Buses on this route are now operating to the usual timetable.
  • YO31 No water or low pressure
    Customers in YO31 may have no water or low water pressure due to a burst main. Thank you for bearing with us whilst we work to restore supplies as soon as possible.

Our plans for 2025-2030

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about our plans for 2025 and the next 5 years. Our plan has been built to deliver our vision: a thriving Yorkshire, right for customers, right for the environment.

Family day out at Swinsty

Heard about water bills increasing?

We’re reviewing Ofwat’s final determination.

More information about the final determination

A thriving Yorkshire.
Right for customers.
Right for the environment.

All water companies must produce business plans every five years. The business plans set out what water companies intend to deliver for customers and the environment. These plans must follow a specific process and then be submitted to Ofwat – the water industry’s economic regulator. Ofwat will assess the plans and make decisions about the amount of revenue we can recover from customers through their bills that can be spent to deliver the plans. 

Read more information from Ofwat

We look beyond five years to ensure that we’re making good decisions for our customers and the environment – now and in the future.

This is our business plan for the period 2025 to 2030 which forms the first five years of our 25-year Long-Term Delivery Strategy.

Our vision is to create a thriving Yorkshire, right for customers and right for the environment. This means achieving the following outcomes:



Deliver safe, clean, great tasting water and ensure we can continue to meet water demand in future.

Provide a tailored, reliable service and make sure that we are easy to interact with, in whatever way our customers choose to get in touch.

Deliver value for money to our customers, keep bills as low as possible, and offer the right support to customers who struggle to pay.

Build and operate efficient, climate-resilient infrastructure to provide reliable services for our customers.

Reduce pollution and sewer flooding, improve river quality, and enhance biodiversity across the region.

Reduce carbon emissions towards net zero across our business and supply chain.

Our draft determination representation

Our £8.2bn plan represents the start of a once in several generations approach to increasing resilience in our clean water supply, so important given the variability of our climate and the challenges with population growth.

It supports the changes we want to make to waste water treatment and will be our biggest ever environmental investment, which includes re-prioritised spend on storm overflows and continued support for flood resilience schemes like our Living With Water project in Hull.

Consultation with our customers and stakeholders has shown the importance of both these issues and we have responded to Ofwat’s feedback refocussing our five-year plan for 2025-2030, allowing us to deliver what is right for our customers and the environment.    

We know we need to make sure there is a balance to ensure it’s affordable for customers, as well as not passing the bill onto future generations. To support those who are struggling to pay their bills, we’re proposing to increase the funding for our social tariff from £30m per year to £55m per year which will help us to support a further 65,000 customers.

Our representation documents
Supporting appendices











YKY-PR24-DDR-26-CE-Clean water enhancement cost evidence - redacted



YKY-PR24-DDR-32 -Coastal-bathing-waters-non-statutory-appendix

YKY-PR24-DDR-33-Living-with-water-appendix - redacted















YKY-PR24-DDR-51-FR-KPMG-Cost-of-embedded-debt [WaterUK]


YKY-PR24-DDR-55-FR-Frontier Economics–Additional-Considerations-Allowed-Return-on-Equity


Data tables, models and commentary
Storm overflows addendum

Our Business Plan

Latest information on our PR24 business plan

Since submission of our PR24 business plan to Ofwat in October 2023, we have made changes to parts of our plan. These have been in response to requests from Ofwat or other regulators and to clarify some points in our original plan. The result of these changes to date is that Ofwat are now considering a PR24 business plan for Yorkshire Water that includes total expenditure of £7.6 billion (down from £7.8 billion in our October 2023 plan), and average annual customer bills of £569 by 2030 (down from £585 in our October 2023 plan). Ofwat's draft determinations will be based on this expenditure and these bills.

The reason for the change to our total expenditure for PR24 and associated average annual customer bills is largely a result of subsequent changes made to our draft Water Resource Management Plan and rephasing of our Environmental Programme (WINEP).

Yorkshire Water PR24 Updated data tables (25 January 2024)

Our business plan for 2025-2030

Our main business plan is the detailed plan that we submitted to our economic regulatory Ofwat on 2 October 2023. It contains:

Our business plan for 2025-2030 includes the following content:

Our region

Introduction from our CEO

A summary of our plan

Chapter 1 – Strategic context

Chapter 2 – Bills and affordability

Chapter 3 – Environmental and social value

Chapter 4 – Efficiency and innovation

Chapter 5 – Our Long-Term Delivery Strategy

Chapter 6 – Customer and stakeholder engagement

Chapter 7 – Delivering outcomes for customers

Chapter 8     

              - Section 1 – How we built our plan

              - Section 2 – What our plan will deliver

              - Section 3 – How we will deliver our plan

Chapter 9 – Risk and reward

Chapter 10 – Board assurance 


Data tables, models and commentary

Supporting Information

Our submission includes links to relevant supporting information.

We already undertake a number of activities day-to-day, and that you may be interested in:

Your water, your say
  • Customer engagement – we continuously engage our customers to understand what their priorities are, and these have helped to shape our plan.

    As part of the business plan development, we held two 'Your water, your say' engagements in June and November 2023. 

    Visit our Your water, your say section

Chapter 2_Frontier economics affordability report

Chapter 2_Supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances

Chapter 3_Nature First commitment

Chapter 4_Research & Development Innovation Strategy Process and Objectives for PR24

Chapter 5_Long-Term Delivery Strategy

Chapter 6_Yorkshire Water customer research as specifically quoted in Chapter 6

Chapter 6_The Yorkshire Forum for Water Customers summary of engagement and log of challenges

Chapter 6_Our research partners

Chapter 6_Stakeholder responses to Ofwat’s PR24 draft methodology

Chapter 6_Letters of support for our PR24 Business Plan

Chapter 6_Summary of 'Your water, your say' event

Chapter 6_Summary of engagement with Yorkshire Leaders Board

Chapter 6_Yorkshire Water response to the Wildlife and Countryside Link's Blueprint for Water

Chapter 6_Alignment with Ofwat's customer engagement standards

Chapter 6_Alignment with Ofwat's customer engagement principles

Chapter 7_Detailed performance commitments

Chapter 8_Oxera cost modelling

Chapter 8_Real Price Effects appendix

Chapter 8_Frontier shift appendix

Chapter 8_Introduction to enhancement cases

Chapter 8_Supply-demand enhancement case

Chapter 8_Metering enhancement case

Chapter 8_Water quality improvements enhancement case

Chapter 8_Water resilience enhancement case

Chapter 8_Security (ECAF) enhancement case

Chapter 8_Net zero enhancement case

Chapter 8_Living With Water enhancement case

Chapter 8_Coastal bathing water overflows enhancement case

Chapter 8_Growth at sewage treatment works enhancement case

Chapter 8_Appropriate measures enhancement case

Chapter 8_WINEP enhancement case

Chapter 8_Annex to the WINEP enhancement case

Chapter 8_Cost adjustment claims

Chapter 8_Oxera cost adjustment claim analysis

Chapter 8_Bioresources strategy

Chapter 8_Retail Service priorities for 2025-2030

Chapter 8_Bad debt pressures on bill forecasts

Chapter 8_Developer services strategy

Chapter 8_Non-household Wholesale Market Services

Chapter 8_Business resilience appendix

Chapter 8_DPC approach and assessment

Chapter 9_Uncertainty mechanisms and RoRE risk analysis

Chapter 9_Notional financeability analysis

Chapter 9_Cost recovery rates

Chapter 9_WACC Assessment

Chapter 9_Reconciliation of past performance

Chapter 9_Financial resilience

Chapter 10_Assurance process and findings

Chapter 10_Board overview of development of the plan

Data tables, models and commentary
Early submissions

See our previous plan

Our plans for 2020-2025